Monday, May 16, 2005

Get going

Well, what are you waiting for?

Friday, May 13, 2005


Nice work to all, you have pleased us very well. Your preparation has clearly paid off and you have been rewarded accordingly.

As for me, the colony, the future; I do not plan on leaving anytime soon as I feel one phase has been completed, there can be more to come. You must remember, this game, like the new product, is what you make it. The further you look the further you can hope to find. You have demonstrated your teamwork and your dedication to the cause, and we thank you for that.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Go time

Now would be the time to see what you've learned.

Cram time

With under half an hour until the clock will end for some of you. It is time to prepare for what is coming, time to cram, time bring out your "A" game. There are no nets to prevent you from falling, just the truth to keep you going

Today was one of the most exstatic days watching you get so close to the truth, let is has been one of the most frustrating; knowing how close you are and how far you have to come.

Now is not the time to sit and wait, giving up now will not help the colony prepare.


You have been given what you need, as the clock counted down you received clues, maybe not rewards, but definitely clues. But you need to put what you know together, for only if you use all of what you know can you find what you truly seek.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Time is near

You must not forget what you have learned on this journey, for if you do, you will be lost.

The truth is not always easy to find but it is there for those who seek it.

As the clock draws near you must focus your looking and refine your skills. Prepare.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I cannot explain too much behind this. The meeting went well, things should play out very well.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

i have seen our puzzle solving skills are improving, this is good as needed.

Many have wondered but few have asked the right question. For only asking the right thing, will you generate the desired, or maybe anticipated?, response.

The colonies must hold together.for if the sand falls who else will find the truth?

Thursday, May 05, 2005


The clock is never wrong. Make sure yours is correct. Soon the colony will gather like. Petals around the rose.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

He has been found

The one has been found, as he is beginning something new, you should congratulate him on his work.

With one found, that does not mean the game is over, rather, it should be read as a new path, another beginning, one more part of the colony.

The clock is ticking but are you still playing?

PS: I apologize for the message yesterday, it might have seemed confusing to some of you but I no longer worry about that. The appropriate actions have been triggered and we hope to prevent future technical problems.